Epiphany: A sudden, intuitive insight into the essential meaning of something, usually initiated by the ordinary, homely, or everyday object or experience.

  • Reflect yourself

    The first goal is to project a situation that can reflect the viewer themselves to awaken their heart and bring out their feelings on the surface.

  • Save your emotions

    The second goal is to make the memories and emotions they bring out in a material which can put into their pockets so that they don’t forget them in their daily lives.

A chance to think about yourselves.

Starting with a simple question “Who do you want to be with and What do you want to eat and drink?”, my project starts.
Eating with someone is the easiest way to fill our emptiness and the most intrinsic value for us to live as human beings, but we disregard such preciousness in our daily life. Humans need a medium to realize themselves. Eventually, the most effective way to discover and realize myself is when you reflect on yourself through others. I suppose to think that we share emotional turbulence such as emptiness by comparing with others.

Save your emotions

I emphasize the memory much more vividly and permanently by using the senses. Among the senses, I use an auditory system related to emotional circuits, and the sense of smell is directly connected to the hippocampus, which is responsible for long-term memory.

By using interactive work which gives the opportunity to participate in the work spontaneously, I promote their ability of memory. In other words, the viewers act to transform their memory/ feelings (which are invisible things) into visible and tangible things. And the action helps to stimulate their memory. Over time, the memory you pulled out from the exhibition, may go back below the surface, but in the end, you can recall what you did (your action), so you can naturally bring up the memories you pulled out in advance.

It is said that humans are beings who love excess. But now we are buried in things that we cannot control and continue to live without knowing what we really want. The information I don't expect is constantly filling and teaching me. The technologies constantly fill my needs and expectations. In other words, the services from the all-around world help us not to think and dig something by ourselves. Will our life be happy if we keep storing and stacking what we don’t know and we don’t want? Without following questions, can we still say that we live our lives on our own?

“What I like, what music I want to listen to forever, what lyrics and sentences make me cry, who I want to be with, what I want to eat, and what I want to have next to me?”